Sunday, December 13, 2015

10 Ways to Increase the Dopamine In Your Brain

“Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that helps control the brain’s reward and pleasure centers. Dopamine also helps regulate movement and emotional response, and it enables us not only to see rewards, but to take action to move toward them.”  – Psychology Today

Source: 10 Ways to Increase the Dopamine In Your Brain

Monday, December 7, 2015

The funniest, best-sung song by an epigenetic neuroscientist ever!

The singer, Dr. Rachel Yehuda showed that the gene expression of pregnant Holocaust & 9/11 survivors were altered by the experiences, as were those of their children. But here she’s just having fun!

Sunday, December 6, 2015

“Neuro-Complete” Infant Formula!

“When you see Neuro Complete on the label, know that our infant formula offers complete nutrition for babies 0-12 months. Neuro Complete contains key ingredients that are on the minds of healthcare professionals that address cognitive, motor, communications, and social function.+


Member’s Mark “Neuro Complete” Ad site

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

IFL eye movements

Excitable Ape:

The longer your dog stares at you, the more you love her!

Originally posted on The brain is sooooo cool!:

Whenever I teach eye movements, I am reminded of how exciting they are. I like that eye movements appear mundane, common, and perhaps even uninteresting. They fly under most people’s wow-o-cool-o-radar, giving all the appearance of a nuts-and-bolts system without lofty aspirations. Despite this unpretentious appearance, eye movements are incredibly interesting and also of the utmost importance to our social selves. There is so much more to eye movements than may at first meet our gaze.

I remember first learning the basics of gaze control in graduate school. The system is delightfully logical and beautifully aligned with our vestibular system. But that is a story for another day. Today I want to tell three stories.

Unilateral eye movement

Virtually all eye movements are conjugate, meaning that the eyes both move and that they move in the same direction. Examples of this are:

  • when looking to the left, both eyes move left
  • when looking down, both eyes move down

and so…

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